Common Types Of Waterproofing Membranes In Roofing

Common Types Of Waterproofing Membranes In Roofing

As you would know, the roof waterproofing industry comes with many options to choose from. However, not all of them are the same, because the architectural aspects of a home or a building structure varies from time to time. Even then, roof waterproofing becomes unavoidable for numerous reasons. Moreover, one of the important aspects of building design and construction is waterproofing membranes. If you’re wondering what a waterproofing membrane is, it is the thin layer of adhesive material that is used to barricade water from influencing another material that it is placed over. A quality waterproofing membrane is capable of stretching and moving with the building, thus making them a great long-term option for preventing leakage. If you require a waterproofing membrane sheet to be exposed to the sun then it must be UV resistant.

Generally, waterproofing membranes may be found in:

  • Foundations and retaining walls
  • Bathrooms, wet areas, and pools
  • External walls, balconies and terraces
  • Roof decks
  • Car park docks and lift pits

Why should you use a waterproofing membrane?

There are times when the waterproofing component is completely excluded from the construction phase. And this eventually results in many residential homes and commercial high-rise buildings bemoaning a roof leakage that stemmed from insufficient waterproofing only proves why waterproofing is crucial to sustain the operation of a building structure as a whole. Here are a few benefits of roof waterproofing done right: 

  • Protects from leakage and damage
  • Provides a cleaner environment
  • Strengthens the framework of the building
  • Assures coverage from mould
  • Optimises property value

Poorly executed waterproofing fails to function and may inflict disruption to your property including cracking of the foundation and ‘concrete cancer’ can take effect – where concrete slab begins to rust. Receiving the best workmanship in waterproofing can prevent it. After all, waterproofing membranes protect surfaces from contaminants like acid and chemicals. 

What are the different types of waterproofing membranes?

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) roofing membrane

Considered to be the best flat roofing material for single-ply roofing, PVC roofing membrane is made up of two layers: polyester is added to serve as a support cornerstone in between the layers that offer flexibility for the roofing material. PVC roofing is fire and wind resistant with high solar reflexivity making it last for more than 20 years. PVC roofing is rarely affected by bacteria and fungi growth due to its ability to endure both high and low alkaline conditions. 

Thermoplastic membrane

Formed by a special mixture of two types of rubber materials: polypropylene and ethylene-propylene, thermoplastic (TPO) membrane is a single-ply square. Investing in a TPO membrane is worthwhile due to its solar energy efficiency in maintaining a comfortable temperature within the household.  

Liquid-applied membrane

For easy and safe application liquid applied membrane (LAM) is highly elastic and a fully-bonded liquid based coating system that can be applied using a spray, roller or brush. It is designed to give the best possible moisture protection while featuring high versatility and a cost-effective renovation. 

Slip-resistant membrane

Exceptionally tough, the slip-resistant membrane offers anti-slip walking surface functionality and is recommended to be installed in a contrasting colour to the main field area.

Offering services in all facets of roof waterproofing in Singapore, Roofwerkz integrates comprehensive solutions, and a seamless working style for all our commercial, industrial and residential customers. Contact us today if you are in need of waterproofing membrane protection that guarantees long-term benefits!